Réunion 4 : 2023-02-07

The 4th meeting of the axe transverse nuages-aérosols took place on February 7, 2023 in the Jules Verne room at OMP.

It gathered 13 persons, with in presence : Sylvain Coquillat, Mathilde Leroux, Azusa Takeishi, Renaud Falga, Meredith Dournaux, Camille Mouchel-Vallon, Chien Wang, Marie Taufour and Vincent Noel. In remote (at the beginning...): Samira El Gdachi, Christelle Barthe, Pierre Tulet and Sybil de Sevin.

A quick roundtable allowed us to highlight :

We then followed with a presentation by Azusa Takeishi. Azusa first reminded us that the presence of aerosols impacts the size distribution of particles in clouds, and from there the precipitation rate and the cloud radiative impact. From there, she led a presentation in two parts:

The videoconferencing had some misfires beyond our control, which deprived the remote participants of the second part of the presentation. Sorry for that :-/



Réunion 3 : 2022-11-25

La 3eme réunion de l’axe transverse nuages-aérosols du LAERO a eu lieu le 25 novembre 2022 en salle Boussinesq.

Un rapide tour de table nous a permis d’échanger plusieurs informations sur les nouvelles du laboratoire liées aux interactions nuages-aérosols :